Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Un-pretty White Sweater (again)...

Well, the white sweater is down for the count. But this time the culprit wasn't haldi -- it was chocolate. And it didn't wash out.

I should just stop wearing white altogether. Or invest in some bleach or something.


Anonymous said...

came to your blog through Sepiamutiny - bleach is your friend! Trust me - two kids, white school uniform shirts, chocolate milk in the car on the way home almost every day means more familiarity with chocolate stains than I ever wanted! Bleach works wonders...and it also works on haldi stains on cottons. One thing though - haldi stains permanently on some fabrics, so be careful...synthetics are the worst when it comes to haldi.

And very pretty blue salwar, BTW...


Blue said...

Thanks, M. I'm thinking about getting one of those bleach pens from the commercials. A bucket of bleach might be more efficient, but more complicated.